Comfrey Plant Superhero

Comfrey, the Natural Superhero

Could Comfrey be the original herbal superhero? Well, Henry Doubleday thought it was. He was a lovely Irishman a little ahead of his time. The story goes, that back in the early 1900’s he came across the magical herb called Comfrey and was blown away by the effects it had on his health, as a …

Comfrey tea fertiliser

How to make your own Easy Super Duper Organic Fertiliser

You can buy fertiliser, however, mother nature also provides an incredibly easy free fertiliser, Comfrey Tea. As Comfrey grows like a week and is full of the nutrients the plants in your garden need it’s perfect for all plants and vegetables. Now I can hear you asking from here if it’s any good, because we’ve …

Cooking with Herbs

Benefits of cooking with herbs

Herbs are truly magical, whether you’re using them in a tea, ointment or your favourite recipe, they share their beneficial to magical healing qualities with us in each time. Plato said it best when he said, and I am sure herbs were included in this: ‘Let food be thine medicine’. In this post, I am …

To use or not use beeswax

To use or not to use… Beeswax

Is it ethical? And why I’ve chosen to use it To use or not to use? Is something that I often ask myself when I see a vegan social media post that is anti-beeswax. Or when vegans get upset that I use beeswax in my Wayfarer’s Magic and Sadhu Rose Comfrey Ointments. For a start, …

Connect with Nature

Connecting with Nature: Three Free ways to Benefit from Eco-therapy

Feeling ‘disconnected’? Despite the amount of time you spend on all your devices “being connected”. Are you busier than ever? A slave, to your every growing, never-ending ‘To do list’. Does your inbox, computer and your mobile compete for your attention, beeping and flashing every time you get a marketing message or someone somewhere has …