Shepherds Alchemy

The Story Behind Shepherds Alchemy

“The product range of Shepherds Alchemy blends Mother Nature’s most curative herbs and ingredients to support ailments and provides relief in harmony to promote well-being on all levels”.

Shepherd’s Alchemy was born in from both the realisation and frustration that my everyday ‘Natural’ products were not so natural.

This waking moment came about while I was watching a documentary that asked the simple question ‘Would you drink petroleum?’

Silly question, obviously not. Yet, the skin is the largest organ of our body and absorbs whatever we smear onto it. Which is why I’d always spent good money on ‘Natural’ products. Of course, I wouldn’t drink petroleum! Nor of course, would I put it on my skin.

This most simple of questions drove me to investigate the products on my bathroom shelf. Where I found to my shock and horror that most of my ‘Natural’ products had a petroleum base. They all went straight into the bin, and I started my never-ending quest for natural alternatives.

I went on to test and research the best natural nourishing non-toxic oils for the skin. And which Essential Oils best complimented them. Keeping it of high quality yet simple, these oils are now the base ingredients for the products that I both use and sell today.

At some point, while living in Australia, I ended up on staying on an Organic Comfrey Farm.

I’d always had a general interest in herblore, and herbs have always played a part in my everyday remedies – still, I was simply blown away by what I was learning and seeing first-hand with Comfrey.

I was smitten, and I’ve been growing, using and collaborating with Comfrey ever since. It has been used extensively in the past, and earned nicknames such as knitbone, bruisewort and Boneset.  It is also a synchronicity in that Comfrey is a guardian/ talisman to travellers.

I have no doubt this is due to its all-purpose healing abilities – making a perfect on-the-road first aid kit.

For all of these reasons, it is both energetically and curatively ideal to be a star ingredient in our Shepherds Alchemy range of products.

My Aspiration is simply:

“To provide herbal remedies that support self-healing, allowing us to live longer, healthier and happier lives. We have one body+ mind+ spirit+ planet – and it all merits our care, love, and appreciation.”

I deeply believe:

Since ages old, people in all cultures have travelled both far and wide working in harmony with Mother Nature her eternal wisdom & remedies. At Shepherds Alchemy, I aim to bring some of that old world wisdom, journeying and magic into our everyday modern life.

Simply because we and the world around us are Natural by Nature:

The body in all its wisdom knows how to heal itself, Mother Nature in all her wisdom knows what we need to support that process and how to provide relief along the way.

In collaborating with nature, we strengthen support and improve upon all aspects of our health for the long term, with the least amount of risks and side effects.

Comfrey is a simple example of this:

Its key constituent is Allantoin, which is an anti-inflammatory and stimulates the growth of new skin cells, it allows the skin to retain its moisture that then soothes and softens the area; it is as though the herb itself is providing ‘the builder (us) with scaffold and some quick dry cement’ – thereby collaborating with our bodies natural healing abilities of the cells the needed relief and support to heal themselves faster than they would otherwise. Truly Magic!

Simply Said:

Our Shepherds Alchemy range of herbal remedies is a ritual blending of the natural worlds; herbal lore and divine wisdom, healing sound, aromatherapy for the soul, love and pure intention, all carefully brought together to provide the most profound curative benefits. In turn, this then provides the right amount of relief and support to allow our body’s journey of healing, regeneration, revitalization and joy.

Here is what customers are saying;

“Shepherds Alchemy body oil is simply divine! Out of all the body oils, I have tried, this is the only one that actually keeps my skin nourished and moisturized. Highly recommended.” CC

“This is my first time using a body oil and I LOVE IT! JC

“I’m using it as a hand cream. Moisturizing and bonus that the age spots are significantly reduced.” WB

“My cousin is rapt with the comfrey. She said the relief she got was immediate and makes so much difference to her managing sleep. (she has bad arthritis in her hands). I am so pleased”. HL

If you also love, care for and appreciate your body and beautiful skin, and don’t want harmful ingredients in your products. Give some of my products a try. Follow the link here which will take you directly to my SHOP.